It's that time of the year to make plans for the new year. So of them are fulfilled, some are not. I have tried to keep to most of my resoloution for 2009. This is for year 2010.
1) Exercise at least twice a week. (Get back my toned body!)
2) Always be happy and positive.
3) Make Youtube videos at least once a week.
4) Make a dress/top/pants every two weeks once.
5) Sketch and draw my fashion design ideas at least 3 times a week. (Don't waste the ideas!)
6) Spend time with my hubby. Go for salsa dance lessons.
7) Set up my handmade jewelry blog shop. ( It needs more love!)
8) Stop procrastinating and get to work!
So these are my resolution for 2010. I hope to stick to them. I have written them down on a card and paste it on my mirror. I see myself in the mirror everyday so I will see my resolution too. It will remind me to stay in track.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true in the coming year.
God bless you always.
Love Love.